About me.

As an artist I am dedicated to the transformative power of theatre. My work revolves around fostering meaningful experiences that not only entertain but also ignite conversations and catalyze social change. Driven by the belief that theatre should be accessible to everyone, I wear multiple hats as a director, teaching artist, actor, and playwright.
My journey has taken me from leading creative movement sessions with kindergarteners to teaching improv to incarcerated teens, and devising inclusive performance pieces with adults of all abilities.
Through it all, my mission remains consistent: to cultivate inclusive, accessible spaces where all individuals feel empowered to explore their talents and collaborate in the creation of art.
My approach is rooted in the belief that theatre has the power to transcend boundaries and connect people from all walks of life. Whether it's through devised pieces, interactive performances, or workshops, I strive to create environments that invite participants to step outside their comfort zones, challenge societal norms, and embrace empathy and understanding.
With a background in both education and performance, including an M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction-Theatre Pedagogy from Southeastern Oklahoma State University and studies in Theatre Performance at the University of Nebraska in Kearney, I bring a unique blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience to my artistic practice.
In every project I undertake, my goal is to spark meaningful dialogue, inspire change, and foster a sense of belonging for all participants and audiences.
Together, let us harness the transformative power of theatre to create a more inclusive and empathetic world.
August 2022
M.Ed Curriculum & Instruction
- Theatre Pedagogy
Southeastern Oklahoma
State University
Focus on integrating theatre education and best practices into curriculum development. Coursework included theatre production, acting theory, approaches to directing, classical theatre, educational philosophies, teaching strategies, and educational research, assessment and evaluation, instructional leadership.
August 2014
Bachelor of General Studies
- Theatre Performance
University of Nebraska Kearney
Comprehensive knowledge and practical experience in Theatre with a focus on acting and directing. Coursework included directing, advanced acting techniques, playwriting, script analysis, costuming, technical theatre, and design.
Honors & Awards
Holland Community Opera Fellow Teaching Artist - Opera Omaha - '22 - Present
Teaching Artist Fellow - The Rose Theatre - '21-22
Directing Fellow - Omaha Community Playhouse - '19/20 - '20/21
Region V ATHE Student Dramaturgy Regional Award Recipient -Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival - '12